The main advantage of buying a couple’s house is that it allows the income of the two people to be taken into account when applying for the mortgage loan.

In addition, for uni or multifamily households with total income up to $ 2’950,868 they can receive a subsidy of ‘My house already’ to acquire new housing.

You can also check in the compensation box in which you are affiliated to apply for a housing subsidy, as well as find out in the entity in which you are going to apply for the credit on the raised interest rate, remember that you can only request one of them. These subsidies (Government or Compensation Funds), and if one of the people of your family already has a home in your name, you cannot be a beneficiary of any subsidy we buy home.



Next, the Asobancaria gives us some financial advice to help them make this project a reality:


  1. Determine how much money they have for the down payment – this is equivalent to 30 percent of the value of the property – adding up the individual savings, layoffs, among others.
  2. If you are going to use financing, prefer mortgage loans and / or housing leasing contracts, as they are specialized products that offer the best interest rates and terms. It is not advisable to buy a home or pay the initial fee with revolving credits or free investment.
  3. Avoid borrowing to pay the initial fee, it is better to develop a savings plan and follow it to the letter. Also remember that the more debts your debt capacity decreases.
  4. Check the flow of money into the home and make sure you have enough to cover the monthly mortgage payment. Calculate how much they lend you to buy housing here.
  5. You can not overlook that in addition to paying the initial fee, it is also required to have extra money for the closing costs of the business (registration and registration) and installation in the new home.