Gifts that women want their partner to make

It’s your birthday, or your anniversary, or holiday season-or you just feel generous. In any case, you want to give your partner a gift

Thanks to the nice gentlemen and ladies of Reddit, we have compiled a list of considered gifts that women really want. You know, besides flowers. Which by the way are much better when they are NOT given at parties, but any ordinary day?

Look at some of the gifts you loved the most:

  1. A reserved parking

For Christmas, my son gave his girlfriend (with whom he is now getting married) a reserved parking lot in the city. She works long hours as a medical student on duty and always arrives exhausted and very late at home, and then has to drive for 30 minutes to find parking. Now she feels very grateful every day when she parks her car and can take a short and safe walk to her house.

  1. A sweet weekend getaway

Sometimes I get sentimental, like many other people suggest. But the vast majority of the time, I consider that the best gift is an experience. If you have the money, take it out for a short vacation. Even a one day trip to some nice place would be enough.

  1. A little help to pack

I was going to go with my friends to Thailand and I had a lot to do before I left. He bought me a vacation package full of sunblock for my face and body, aloe vera, lip balm, a book to read on the beach, toiletries for travel, a converter for travel, chewing gum, sandals, insecticide, and some things of first aid.

  1. A beer box and / or a bottle of wine

A box of one of my favorite beers, which I had told him they had withdrawn from the market. He was very proud of himself for having found her, and I had to explain to her that she had been removed only in the bars.

  1. Take the time to learn your mother tongue or your other language

Secretly he had been learning sign language for me. I’m deaf. I can talk (because my mom is great) and read lips. He is learning sign language mainly for when we are in very crowded places or if I am tired.