How to Increase Testosterone Naturally?

The Causes of Low Testosterone

Testosterone, produced mainly from the testes, from the age of 30 begins to decrease and with this begins the slow aging process. Fortunately, there are several ways to keep testosterone levels high. Here are the most effective, as suggested by Joseph Mercola, a doctor specializing in nutrition and natural medicine and author of numerous books, including Io non mi ammalo (Macro edizioni) in which he deals with this subject Nootropics.

How to Increase Testosterone with Nutrition

1 – Eat more Cruciferae Vegetables.

Cruciferous, or broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts reduce the inhibitory effect of estrogen on the production of testosterone. Then start introducing these vegetables daily into your diet to protect your testosterone levels.

2 – Fill with Omega 3

Cortisol, a hormone that is released when the body is under stress or inflamed, inhibits the production of testosterone. Taking more Omega 3 helps maintain stress and, therefore, the production of cortisol under control, to the benefit of testosterone. The source of Omega 3 is blue fish such as sardines and anchovies, salmon, mackerel and walnuts.

3 – Take more Zinc to Increase Testosterone.

Zinc is an essential mineral, which means it is not synthesized by our body, but it is necessary for the metabolic activity of 300 enzymes, as well as to regulate the production of T cells or lymphocytes (immune system) and testosterone. To avoid zinc deficiency, supplement the diet with seafood, crabs, lobster, oysters, beef, mussels, pumpkin seeds, spinach and cashew nuts.

4 – Reduce Alcohol, Cause of Low Testosterone

Alcohol contained in wine, beer and liquor inhibits the production of testosterone. In addition, negatively influencing the functionality of the liver, where testosterone is transformed into estrogen, alcohol upsets the balance between estrogen and testosterone. Then, reduce the alcohol intake to half a glass of red wine a day and a beer during the weekend.

5 – Vitamin D is an Excellent Testosterone Supplement

Vitamin D has a protective effect on testosterone, limits its conversion to estrogen. To fill it, outdoors, expose yourself to the sun and eventually take a dietary supplement based on vitamin D.

6 – Eat Selenium Rich Foods

Selenium is an essential mineral for male fertility and plays a vital role in the production of testosterone. They are often missing from our diets, so try to eat more liver, potatoes, shellfish and nuts to give your body the right amount.

7 – Keep the Good High Cholesterol

Good cholesterol, DHL, helps the synthesis of testosterone. And high levels of good cholesterol are not harmful, on the contrary. Therefore, if you do not have big problems with high cholesterol (LDL), you can take eggs, chicken, olive oil, butter and beans.

8 – Vitamin K2 is an Excellent Testosterone Supplement

Along with vitamin D, K2 stimulates the production of testosterone. Take a nutritional supplement to easily increase the levels with a natural solution.

9 – Do not make diets too restrictive

A diet low in carbohydrates can reduce the production of testosterone. The same goes for the low-fat diets needed to produce hormones. In addition, fat is a necessary substance to transport and absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, two of which (D and K) are essential to maintain high levels of testosterone.