Do you know the different types of t-shirts?

T-shirts are the most popular item of clothing, which is why most people have at least 35 t-shirts in their closet. What most don’t know is that there are many different types of t-shirts in the world silk screen printing. The versatility of the t-shirts gives you the opportunity to use them at formal events or informal events. Choosing the right type depends on what you are going to do. Here you will discover that there are 2 different types of t-shirts that you should know about.

Round Neck T-shirt

The shirt he is wearing right now, for example, is a round neck. (The word “round” is used to distinguish it from the increasingly fashionable v-neck t-shirts.)

In the 50s, the t-shirt was something as strange as a jumpsuit. It was something to wear to the beach, and for sports, and for camping, and for ski racing, and for deep-sea diving, and for combat, and for whatever. People didn’t know what to do with it.

At first, the shirt was just another piece of fabric. It got its name because it was cut like a men’s shirt, with a collar and cuffs. For a long time, the t-shirt was just that: a t-shirt, intended for nothing more than clothing.

This began to change in the 1950s, with the advent of mass-produced screen-printed t-shirts. These t-shirts didn’t look like t-shirts at all, and they didn’t say “T-shirt” either, the custom print on each one made all the difference.

V-neck T-shirt

The shape of a T-shirt has baffled designers for decades. The V-neck creates a striking illusion. The V-neck is a relatively recent invention, introduced in the mid-1950s. Before, all T-shirts were round-necked. In crew neck t-shirts, the neck and hem are aligned, and the front and back are symmetrical. Crew-neck t-shirts look good, but as anyone who’s ever worn one knows, they make you look like an extra in The Grapes of Wrath.

The V-neck is not a cut that any designer has come up with on their own. It was introduced by a clothing company, Hanes, which had seen how baseball jerseys made collars look bulkier.

To make a V-neck, they cut the front of the shirt into a wedge shape and left the hem straight. By the mid-1950s, V-necks had become popular, and by the 1970s they were everywhere.

The V-neck still exists, although lately it has succumbed to fashion pressures and reverted to a simple round neck. The V-neck t-shirt looks better than the crew-neck t-shirt, and can have a similar effect on the wearer. In fact, the V-neck is a kind of optical illusion, which the T-shirt designers intended to exploit. The important thing is to wear a shirt that you like and that you feel comfortable in, the one that suits your personality perfectly.

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