Puppy Training Pads Tips

The most common problem for having a puppy inside the house is soiling. Like most animals, dogs may not know what is right from wrong. Therefore, if they are not trained, lots of problems inside the house could arise and most of them can be soiling. To ease the hassle of picking dirt and wiping stains, it is ideal for puppy training pads. This form of training can help your puppy know the place where he should do his business, thus eliminating any kind of dirt inside the house.

To begin with puppy training pads, dog owners should look for a pad. There a lot of dog pads out there. Almost all of them can be found in a pet store while some can be bought directly on the internet. When choosing a pad, always go for a scented. This will help you breathe well despite of filling the pad with poops all over.

Before you start training your puppy, place the pad on the floor. Then, when you see your dog starting to sniff or dig, you should already be ready. Once you see your dog about to poop, grab him and place him onto the pad. Do this every time your dog soils inside the house. In just a short period of time, you will actually see the results. Your puppy will not poop anywhere but only to the designated area where the pads are located.

When using puppy training pads, you should always be ready for a treat. Dogs will do the same thing over and over again once he gets a reward. Therefore, to make the training even more effective, you should always give your puppy a treat after doing the right thing. But if not, then do not give him a treat. Instead, continue with the process of training.

Aside from dog treats, you can also use verbal praises. By doing this, your dog will fee that what he had done was appreciated by his master. Therefore, he will continue to soil on the right place. You can also give your puppy a ball or simply making a play. These are just simple efforts but they can surely make your puppy become more obedient.

Puppy training pads are very simple to perform. But be sure to be patient during the training. Puppies are not that easy to train, especially at first, so patience is indeed necessary.

Sign up for free dog training tips here. Remember to check out our dog training guide too.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jennifer_Mustang/557423

1 thought on “Puppy Training Pads Tips”

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